Choosing Between a Wood or Steel Garage Door
If you own a home, there will likely come a time when you need to install a new garage door after the original product wears down and has reached the end of its life span. The type of material that you choose determines the quality of the product and if it holds up well each season. When you’re ready to install a new door, there are a few things to know when choosing between a wood or steel garage door to find the right fit for your residential needs.
Each type of garage door requires a certain level of maintenance to improve its operation and prevent it from breaking down frequently. Wood garage doors require more maintenance compared to steel because the natural material is prone to damage when exposed to moisture. You’ll need to restain the wood every few years to preserve its appearance and keep it looking new. It’s also necessary to check for dry rot that can form, which will require that some of the wood is replaced.
Durability is the main factor that influences the life span of garage doors and if they require garage door repairs in Visalia on a consistent basis. Steel garage doors have a high level of durability but are prone to denting easily, which can affect their appearance. Homeowners should plan to paint the exterior every three to five years. Wood garage doors are dense but can be at risk of deteriorating if termites find their way onto the property.
The style of each type of garage door is an additional factor to consider when purchasing the product. Wood garage doors offer a classic look that can add a touch of character to the home. Steel garage doors complement modern homes more and may look too sleek or futuristic for some properties. The elegant design of wood doors can make them suitable for more properties and will prevent them from looking outdated as quickly.