Types of Keypads for Garage Door Openers
Garage door keypads are keyless entry devices that work with a programmable opener code or even from phones to keep areas secured. Here is a list of the most common types of keypads and their applications. If you live in the Central or San Joaquin Valley areas, you can stop by to find out more, review products or services or inquire about garage door repairs in Visalia and Bakersfield.
Types of Keypads for Home Garages
Residential keypads work with home garage door openers. These types of keypads are keyless and typically use wireless keypad transmission, like a remote, so they’re easy to install. Most use technology such as rolling code or dip switches to work with a variety of garage door openers. They also run on battery power. A typical keypad battery type is 9v, which does need changing.
Keypads for Businesses and Gated Areas
Industrial or commercial keypads work for businesses or secured access areas, such as gated yards or communities. They have durable construction for frequent use and effects of weather, such as membranes or dome, mechanical or scissor-switch keypads and metal and waterproof construction. They can use wireless or wired connectivity and sometimes implement intercoms.
Phones and Transmitters for Garage Doors Openers
Remote transmitters often have one or two keys, which are programmed for different sets of doors. These also work with dip-switch technology to work with various garage door opener manufacturers. These don’t involve a security code and should be kept with you.
Phones also work in tandem with remote transmitters or other wired or wireless openers through a home wireless router and an adapter that attaches to the opener. These are very convenient as they can be set on a timer or be activated from anywhere in the world you have phone service. The apps also show whether the door is open or closed, in case you’re away and forgot to close it.